By Charles Lynde, MD, FRCPC
Who doesn't want smooth, hydrated, healthy skin? From basic formulas that claim to keep skin moist, to concoctions that promise an end to aging skin and wrinkles, the choice of a skin moisturizer can be overwhelming. You can look at information on moisturizers for different skin types.
Product, product on the wall, which is the best moisturizer of all?
Essentially moisturizers are used to replace natural skin oils to cover tiny fissures in the skin, and to provide a soothing protective film. Thus, evaporation of the skin's moisture is slowed, which helps to improve the appearance and feel of dry and aging skin. An effective moisturizer increases water content, reduces water loss, and restores the skin's ability to retain water.
(Scientists say a moisturizer will smooth skin to temporarily make wrinkles less apparent, but unfortunately, moisturizing your skin will not have any long-term effect on wrinkles.)
Look for products that:
Remember, too, just because a product has a certain ingredient, that doesn't necessarily mean it has enough of it to make a difference. Dermatologists look for a number of substances to complete a moisturizer's make-up:
Side effects
Moisturizers aren't without their side effects. If you have these symptoms, see your doctor:
The skinny on skin - five points
Get your money's worth
Which is better? High-end brands or low-cost brands? Drugstore shelves seem to have an overwhelming choice of products, with each company vying for your dollars. Experts say that often low-cost brands are just as effective. You can stretch your money's worth of product by applying your moisturizer on damp skin - it will absorb better.
About the author:
Charles Lynde, MD, FRCPC is Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Toronto Canada. His special interests include paediatric dermatology, cosmetic procedures, contact dermatitis, skin cancer, psoriasis and clinical trials in acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
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Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Best Moisturizers: Myth or Medicine?
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